Their Story


Kaffa or Kape?

     Here in the Philippines, we like to call coffee "kape", which people tend think of at first glance at Kaffa. So, which one is it really?

     Let's start with a little history on the word "Kaffa". Kaffa is a place in Ethiopia which is, in fact, THE largest coffee producer in the whole world. This is where the cafe derived their name from, and Ave. came from the fact that they are located on A.B. Fernandez Ave. of Dagupan City.

What's so special about this cafe?

     You're probably thinking, "Okay, I've been to plenty of cafes. What makes this place any special than the rest?"

     What's interesting about this simple little cafe is that their raw materials are actually imported from Italy and Taiwan, their coffee beans and teas respectively. Although they do need to have them shipped from Manila first, but still! This is grade-A brewed stuff, and I'm sure you would enjoy their service just as much as I did.

Awesome manager, BTW!

     I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of her while she was there! But here is the very kind, lovely and beautiful manager who brought this amazing cafe to life. Ma'am Lady Khristine F. Resuena.

     I was able to talk to her personally about how business was going for their little establishment, and she said they were doing very well. They just recently opened the cafe in May 2013, here in Dagupan City. She was also able to open up a second branch in San Carlos with her sister. According to her, there are SO many foreigners who go there just for some coffee!

     As a thank-you gift for our support to her business, ma'am Resuena gave me and my friend samples of their best-seller milk teas: Winter Melon and Honey Dew. I really enjoyed it, and I hope future customers will love it just as much as we both did!

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